You can currently export all the data that the system records and processes about your activity on the platform. These are exported in CSV format, and could be used in a spreadsheet app like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel for making more complicated graphs than we provide today. Don’t forget to send us your suggestions if you think you have a graph that others might like, so we can implement it directly on the platform.

Export formats

Export per word activity data

Filename: word_stats.csv

Column name Comments
graph The word
nbChecked The number of times you have checked the word. Note this includes any time it has been glossed automatically for you.
nbSeenSinceLastCheck The number of times you have seen the words since you last looked it up or were shown the gloss
nbSeen The total number of times the system has shown you the word
lastChecked The date of the last time you looked up the word or were shown a gloss
lastSeen The date of the last time you saw the word (that the system knows about!)
lastRevisionDate The date of the last time you reviewed the word (any card) in Repetrobes
firstRevisionDate The date of the first time you reviewed the word (any card) in Repetrobes
firstSuccessDate The date of the first time time you successfully reviewed the word (any card) in Repetrobes, or clicked on one of the smileys in any of the content interfaces. This is typically considered the day the system first thinks you know the word
dueDate The date of the next time you should review the word (any card) in Repetrobes

Export per day activity data

Filename: day_stats.csv

Column name Comments
date The day of the statistics
nbSeen The total number of words seen on the day
nbChecked The total number of words checked on the day
nbSuccess The total number of words revised in Repetrobes on the day
nbFailures The total number of words re-revised/failed in Repetrobes on the day

Export all Repetrobes card data

Filename: card_stats.csv

Column name Comments
graph The word
cardType The card type, one of the available types: GRAPH SOUND MEANING PHRASE
front Personalised value for the “front” (inspired by Anki) of the MEANING card. Later you will be able to personalise both front and back for all cards, and do more complex generation
lastRevisionDate The date of the last time you reviewed the card
firstRevisionDate The date of the first time you reviewed the card
firstSuccessDate The date of the first time you reviewed the card successfully
dueDate The date of the next time you should review the card
interval Supermemo 2-inspired “interval” value
repetition Supermemo 2-inspired “repetition” value
efactor Supermemo 2-inspired “efactor” value