Understanding the current state of your knowledge and how that has evolved over time is a very effective way for many learners to make the most of their learning time and (mental) effort. Transcrobes will eventually provide a very rich interface for analysing and understanding many aspects of learning, including what the most effective activities are for each individual learner.
While we are just at the beginning, Transcrobes aims to be a quantified self project for language learning - helping you to deeply understand how you - and that means YOU and not some random, Ivory Tower abstraction - learn best.
Current Graphs
Several graphs are currently available that show high level information about recent activity and progress.
Known words
The Known words graph gives you an overview of the words and characters that the system thinks you “know”, and how that has evolved over the last 6 months. Remember you can see detailed stats on individual words in the Notrobes tool.
Words seen and looked up
This graph gives you the nitty-gritty details of how active you have been consuming content on a week-to-week/month-to-month basis. Currently it shows up to the last 6 months but we’ll soon enable choosing date ranges (well before the 6 months is up!). Remember you can see detailed stats on individual words in the Notrobes tool.
Words actively revised
The Words actively revised graph gives you the nitty-gritty details of how active you have been revising on a week-to-week/month-to-month basis. Currently it shows up to the last 6 months but we’ll soon enable choosing date ranges (well before the 6 months is up!).
Revisions waiting
Revisions waiting gives you a clear view on the number of revisions waiting and also how long they have been waiting.