Resources for beginners
Here are the lists of vocabulary, extracted into Transcrobes-compatible CSV import files for each course and lesson. After importing each file, you can create a list and then learn/revise in Repetrobes. On occasion words that appear in the lesson but not in the “vocab lists” have been added to the lists here.
Some of the resources provided by the course won’t be necessary for you with Transcrobes. For example, several of the lessons (particularly in the 3rd course) include SWF files that you can download to see the character strokes animated. Transcrobes’ Notrobes gives you that functionality, simply by searching for the character and then clicking on the “Draw it!” button.
While the courses below are not “free”, in that in order to get a certificate and do all the quizzes you need to pay, you can audit them, watch all the videos and access some of the quizzes and resources. We thoroughly recommend you do all the exercises, including writing the characters using the free resources provided in the course. The “Chinese characters (high target/optional)” resources at the end of each lesson are really good, so don’t miss out on those!
Unless you need the certificate, auditing the course and getting help learning the vocab with Repetrobes is a great way to get started for free.